04 Sep


Until this day, there are still many questions surrounding the use of golf range finders. After learning about the basics of these devices, some people still have many questions about them that need addressing. You will find some of these commonly asked questions along with their answers.


Can you use golf range finders during tournaments?

The answer depends on the game committee. A lot of competitive plays allow using these devices. There are some instances, though, that golf players cannot use them in a tournament, most especially if they are not compliant with the USGA.


One of the things that you need to know about golf range finders is that even the best golfers use them to improve their performance in playing golf. The primary purpose of these devices is to get the distance from the golfer to the target pinhole. Most tournaments do not allow the use of devices that come with a slope adjustment feature. It is one of the reasons why game officials check the range finders of each player first before the game starts.


Are golf range finders different from range finders used for hunting?

There are differences between these two devices. Range finders used for golf focus on targets or flags to measure distances from the user to the goal. They don’t pay attention to other things behind them. On the other hand, hunting range finders focus more on distant targets. They pay attention to a single object and ignore anything close to it.


Can you use a hunting range finder while playing golf?

Yes, you can. Hunting range finders offer the same function as golf range finders. There should be no issues in using hunting range finders for golfing if they can deliver their purpose correctly. As long as these range finders can measure distances between two objects like the user and the target, then they are right.


Which golf range finder should you buy?

It all depends on you as the user. You can find plenty of golf range finder variants in this day and age. Your preferences matter the most when deciding which one is the best for you. Some people prefer going for GPS range finders while some find laser range finders much more convenient. If you are a beginner in playing golf, start by using a laser range finder. Though it is a cheaper option, it can offer you accurate measurements of your target distances. It uses laser technology to measure distances. You might feel awkward using it at first because you need to get a clear view of your target before it works. However, you may have to wait a few seconds from staring at your destination before you can see its distance on your device screen.


Meanwhile, for seasoned players, the use of GPS range finder is must more beneficial for you. These devices are more convenient to use. After setting up the device, you can see distances straight from the screen of your device. You don’t have to wait even a few seconds to get the measurements to your target from any point because the device will automatically display them on screen.

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